How are you really


Question sower keeps asking

Vragenzaaier Suzanne Jongert
Levenskracht bescherming

Why a question sower?

A question sower asks questions about what is on your mind. what you run into, what makes your heart sing? How does it feel inside and how do you experience your surroundings? Simply, because more questions are needed to investigate and discover. And because deep down you know what is true for you and what feels good to you.

3 x an hour

Park Talk

Take what concerns you or the question you have to the question sower and expect exploratory, in-depth and unexpected questions, which ultimately give you more clarity.

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5 x an hour

Walkie Talkie

Walk 5x for an hour with the question sower for research and discoveries. For when you are full of questions, or when you don't feel at home in your life, or when you just feel like you've lost your way. Question sower asks questions that you don't have to answer directly. Which you can feel for yourself and choose which answers are the right ones for you.

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I have another question

Tailor-made questions

If you have a question for yourself or your organization and don't need a Park Talk or Walkie Talkie, there is Custom Questions.

Contact us with your specific questions and we can make a specific appointment.

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“I've always felt that food controlled me. Now I decide what I eat. It's a great feeling and it's made a huge change in how I live my life. "

Lora, 29 years old
Emily, 30 years old

"Thanks to this course, I learned to distinguish hunger from boredom, and to eat when I'm really hungry."

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